

Bill Ellis is a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach and a Certified Independent OPTAVIA Coach, dedicated to helping you take control of your health and become the dominant force in your life!

These pictures were taken in December of 2020 at our first in-person gathering after doing church exclusively online for 9 months. When I saw the pictures online, I knew that I needed to do something.

The two pictures on the left were what prompted me to start taking my health seriously… I have lived most of my life heavy, but had never really felt fat, but during the first year of the pandemic I gained an additional 20 pounds, topping out at 260 pounds.

My XL shirt and 38 shorts were stretched to the max. My doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic and I was on medication for cholesterol and high blood pressure. Everything hurt, and I was miserable.

I reached out to a couple from our weekly Bible study group that had lost significant weight during the pandemic and they introduced Wendy and I to the health program that I now coach.

It is impossible to express in a social media post how much that one decision has impacted our lives. In 7 weeks, I lost 37 pounds and went on to lose 65 pounds in six months, and I have kept the weight off and have continued to improve my overall health as I have learned to implement healthy habits into my daily routines.

I signed up for a diet, hoping to drop 25 pounds, but later realized that I received a personal development program. Since December 2020 my mindset about food and health have completely transformed, I have more energy now than I have had in 30 years, I sleep better, and enjoy life and the people I spend it with more than I thought was possible.

Are you in need of some hope? Reach out I’d love to help! Get started with a free health personal assessment.


Okay… my journey began in early May at 190 lbs w/ a 36-38 inch waist!! I had a hard time even hiding behind an oversized vest…ugh! I received this pic of myself from a week ago… wow! I cannot believe I’m actually down to 144 lbs w/ a 28-30 inch waist just 3 months laterContinue reading “Matt Newburg”

Matt Newburg

On January 24,2022 we started this Amazing health journey. It has been an amazing journey for my wife and I. She is down 18 pounds, feeling amazing and clothes just slipping away and I am down 35 pounds. Being a diabetic myself for 20-plus years on 3 insulins and 2 pills. Today I had myContinue reading “Robert & Carmen Morales”

Robert & Carmen Morales

Feeling grateful for my health. Honestly I have never felt comfortable in a swimsuit or even taking pictures in one! But today I’m happy to share my victories with weight loss. The photo on the left was taken when I was 51yrs old, 10yrs later I look and Feel much younger!

Rose Contreras


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